Curriculum Vitae Ingrid Duch

  • Uddannet ved Det Fynske Kunst Akademi 1977- 1982
  • Medlem af Alexandria Atelier
  • Medlem af Billedkunstnernes Forbund
  • Medlem af Fyns Grafiske Værksted

Udvalgte udstilling

2019 Residency ved Atelier Circulaire, Montreal

2018 Studierejse Berlin

Fox Amphoux, Frankrig

2012 Modtaget tre mdr. stipendie ved Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mecixo

2010 Rejse Legat, GæsteAtelier Hollufgård, Odense

2007 To mdr. Studie og arbejdsophold, Port Townsend, Sev Shoon Printshop, Seattle, Washington

2007 Tre mdr. studie og arbejds ophold i Berlin

Modtaget legat fra Thyco´s Fond

1990 Studieophold og arbejdsophold Istandbul, Tyrkiet

1991 Modtaget det Egyptiske Statsstipendie, knyttet til Alexandria Kunst Akademi

1989 Modtaget det Egyptiske Statsstipendie, knyttet til Cairo Kunst Akademi

Omtalt i publikationer, i tilknytning til udstillinger,

Artikler i ”Dansk Kunst” 2004 og 2006

Privat samling, Belgien

2023“Filofionia” BKF udstilling, Filosofgangen, Odense
Trappegalleriet, Nakskov
2022Galleri Platz, Middelfart,
2021Kirsten Kjærs Museum
Galleri Progres ” Mytologiske Fragmenter” Horsens
“Brydningstid” Skitseudstilling. Skulpturtrianele, Det Fynske Kunstmuseum.
2020Bramming EgnsMuseum
2019Atelelier Cirkulaire, Montreal, Canada
Toldboden ” Fabler og Myter”, Kerteminde
Mark Rotho Art Center, Letland
2018Udsmykning Søndersø Skole, Fyn
Grand Hotel, i samarbejde med Fyns grafiske Værksted og Hollufgård
Galleri Platz, Middelfart
2017Exhibition, Hinnerup Center for the Arts, DK
Project Open School – grafic techniques
2018Grand Hotel, Odense, i samarbejde med Hollufgård og
Fyns grafiske Værksted
2018Galleri Platz, Middelfart
2016”The Black School ” Graphic exhibition at Museum Brandts 13, Odense
Mural, commission from the city of Odense, DK
2015Exhibition, Mono type/ drawing, Dronninglund Art center,
Dronninglund DK
Sculpture – a commission in collaboration with the
Graphic Workshop of Fyn, Odense DK
Graphic installation, Churches, in Odense in collaboration with
Composer Henrik Møller Jensen. Odense, DK
2014Invited artist in land art project, description/ exhibition,
Rebild, DK, proposal.
Mural with Hans Christian Andersen theme, Odense DK, proposal
New works based on the theme, ”The first Garden”,
Gallery Babatte, Knebel, DK
Atelier production and sales: graphic production based on
”Dancing Earth group, Santa Fe 2012” ongoing,Odense DK
Collaboration Graphic, mono types and wind drawings,
Tranum, DK
2013”Reflections” Exhibition Art center Augustiania, Augustenborg. DK
Open invitation, Exhibition Åbenrå Station, Åbenrå DK
Ten large works sold to the new Mental Hospital in Middelfart DK
2012Exhibition in Gallery Claus C, Copenhagen, DK
Invited participant, exhibition, Gallery Marziart,
Hamburg, Germany
Teaching artist for the the city of Odense, subject ”Resurrection”,
Odense, DK
2011”Horses” solo exhibition the Art center of Skanderborg, DK
Mono type exhibition and Workshop at the Art center of
Silkeborg Bath, DK
2010Sculpture Installation ”II” Hollufgård Park, Odense, DK
”Yellow horse” solo exhibition, Galleri Progress, Horsens ,DK
Invited guest at the Culture festival at Armeland, Holland
2009Censored exhibition, Mads`s Ø, Lolland DK
”To Where are we going?” Installation, The Old Ship Hall,
Odense DK
Exhibition, National Print Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
2008Exhibitions at Galleri Rasmus, Copenhagen DK
”Laughing Bear” Graphics, traveling exhibition, USA
2007Exhibition at Gallery Gerly, Copenhagen DK
Exhibition Cokermouth Graphic Gallery, England
”Migration” Graphic, traveling exhibition, USA
2006”Mythological Fragments” Gallery Progress, Horsens, DK
2005Exhibition at Gallery Gerly, Copenhagen, DK
2004The old Warehouse, the City of Køge, Art Association, Køge DK
2003Decoration, the Children section, Odense University Hospital,
Odense DK
1996”Faerie tales in graphic and collages, H.C.Andersens House,
Odense, DK
1994”From Eternity to Eternity” Churches and Frescoes, Galleri Project,
Copenhagen DK
1992Alexandria Atelier, own works, Alexandria, Egypt
1991”Sierpinski´s Triangle” Installation/performance, Project Gallery,
Copenhagen, DK
1989”Sierpinski´s Triangle” Installation/performance, Project Gallery,
Copenhagen, DK

Download full CV right here.